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The Encantado Foundation is thrilled to be partnering with you and your organization to advance STEM in Central and Northern New Mexico. The Foundation looks forward to learning more about your grant’s activities via this report. To support your reporting efforts, we have prepared this form to gather your responses and supporting documents. In addition to completing this form, we kindly ask that you share a highlight of your funded effort on social media.

Receiving your final report is critical to closing out your current board directed seed grant award. Once your report is received and closed, your organization becomes eligible to apply for the Foundation's next open, competitive grant cycle.

Your organization’s report author will receive receipt of the report’s submission and notification of closed out status by email.

Please contact The Encantado Foundation with any questions about this final report form via

Thank You!

Report Author


Grantee Details

If yes, please move forward with the form. If no, please contact The Encantado Foundation.

I. Overview of Implemented Effort

As a companion to the STEM Innovation Network for New Mexico's gathering findings, please provide a summary of the recent hybrid event by answering the questions below:
Please provide a brief overview of the hybrid gathering's highlights and any relevant insights gained from the convening that may not have been previously considered regarding the potential launch of the Network.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide any beneficial post-event partnerships and/or activities that have emerged from the gathering, if applicable.

II. Reflections of Lessons Learned

We welcome your thoughts and ideas on what you may have learned in implementing this Board Directed Seed Grant Award.
i. What did you set out to do (for Phase I-III)? ii. What actually happened (for Phase I-III)? iii. Why did it happen (for Phase I-III)? iv. What should you do differently next time (for Phase I-III)?

III. Partners & Key Stakeholders

Please share an overview of any organizational partners and/or individual stakeholders who positively contributed to the success of the recent convening.
Provide an overview of any organizational partners and/or institutions that positively contributed to the STEM Innovation Network for NM gathering. Please include the organization's name and how it contributed to the effort.
Provide an overview of individual stakeholders that positively contributed to the STEM Innovation Network for NM gathering. Please include the person's name and how they contributed to the effort.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide a copy of attendees.

IV. Post-Event Activities

Please share any relevant post-event activities, such as feedback gathering and community building that may have occurred, since the hybrid gathering.
Provide an overview of any post-event feedback that has been gathered, either formally or informally, if applicable.
Provide an overview of any post-event community building and/or networking that has occurred, since the recent convening, if applicable.

V. Evaluation

Please offer an assessment of the hybrid gathering.
(1) What worked well with the planning, hosting, and report compiling?; (2) If hosted again, what requires attention regarding the planning, hosting, and/or report compiling?

VI. Financial Report

Please upload a financial report of the grant's expenses, which were used to successfully implement the recent STEM Innovation Network for NM convening. The expense report should reflect the effort outlined in the initial nomination and addendum.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload an Excel, Word, or PDF of the financial expense report.

VII. Partnership with The Encantado Foundation

A Core Value of The Encantado Foundation is Collaboration.
We invite you to share your vision for collaborating and working with The Encantado Foundation in the near future, specific to the STEM Innovation Network for NM opportunity. Please be vivid and concrete in how you hope to collaborate with the Foundation in the next 12-24 months.

VIII. STEM Innovation Network for NM Report

Report and findings from the 2024 STEM Innovation Network for NM hybrid convening.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Upload a Word or PDF file of the report and findings.

IX. Anything Else

We welcome your thoughts and ideas for any other topics and/or items you are interested in discussing.

X. Social Media Highlights

We kindly ask for a summary/highlight of your organization's grant funded effort to be posted on social media. We ask that your social media team tag The Encantado Foundation on Facebook and LinkedIn, in posts highlighting the organization's Board Directed Seed Grant award.
Please confirm that your organization has highlighted the grant funded effort on social media by selecting each platform that contains your content.

Optional: Publicity

If your organization received any publicity from the grant in your home market, you are welcome to include links to news articles, videos, and any other print or digital publicity in your report.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
If your organization received any publicity from the grant in your home market, you are welcome to upload articles, published images, or other up-loadable content. (Acceptable formats: Word, PDF, PNG, and JPG)
Please include page link.
Please include page link.
Please include page link.

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