The Mission of the Encantado Foundation is to stimulate the development of hire-ready candidates for STEM-related positions, particularly in the areas of cyber security, application developing and management, and IT operations. We will seek to foster the professional development of individuals who wish to be a part of the digital workforce — including those from underrepresented communities in tech careers such as women, people of color, native people, and people with physical limitations — while also reshaping the way that workforce resources are acquired by technology-related employers.
What We Fund

Impact Grants
As part of the Foundation’s efforts to stimulate the development of hire-ready employee candidates for STEM-related positions, The Encantado Foundation has created a Grant for organizations serving Northern and Central New Mexico with proven records of success. Our Impact Grants are aimed at amplifying the impact of its recipients’ initiatives by providing them with additional resources and/or marrying them with other complementary programs to form new initiatives.
Impact Grants will be awarded to non-profit organizations in good standing with proven successes in one or more of the following areas:
- Programs that generate quality job candidates for STEM careers in this hiring area;
- Initiatives that create opportunities for professional development including hands-on training through internships, mentorships, and apprenticeships in STEM fields;
- Work done with new graduates, returning students and working learners in developing skills and securing certifications and licensures that will lead to a career in STEM jobs; and
- Previous outreach to under-represented populations in Tech careers, including women, persons of color, Native Americans and those with physical limitations.
Impact Grant
Spring 2024
Community-Based Grants
For non-profit organizations planning smaller projects targeted to creating access to STEM careers, building awareness for Tech careers, and helping extend access to STEM training for underserved communities, The Encantado Foundation offers Community-Based Grants. Members of the community are invited to nominate non-profit organizations in good standing for one-time gifts which cannot exceed $5,000 per grant. Nominations will be accepted based upon how closely the Mission of the nominated organization and/or it’s use of the grant funds align with the Mission of The Encantado Foundation.
Our Community-Based Grants will be awarded twice per year, with the following 2024 nomination deadlines planned:
Spring Cycle
Fall Cycle
March 1, 2024
October 1, 2024
April 1, 2024
November 1, 2024
Grant FAQs
Does my organization need to have 501(c)3 status to receive a Grant from The Encantado Foundation?
Yes, only nonprofit organizations serving Central and Northern New Mexico are eligible to receive funding from The Encantado Foundation. Verification that your organization is in good standing with state and federal regulations will be required before accepting funds. Applications from fiscally-sponsored projects will also be accepted with proof of sponsor-project agreement.
Can I apply for more than one grant at the same time?
Qualifying organizations are welcome to apply for either grant they deem appropriate to receive. However, consideration during the selection process will be given to whether an organization has received previous funding from The Foundation and/or is currently operating initiatives funded by The Foundation and priority may be given to those organizations that have not previously received support via our grants.
How do I communicate my interest in getting involved on a Grant Selection Committee of The Encantado Foundation?
Please write us at to inform us of your interest in volunteering your time to our effort!
When is the Impact Grant deadline?
The deadline to apply is Friday, March 24, 2023.
Is the Impact Grant funding opportunity competitive?
Yes, the Impact Grant funding opportunity is a competitive grant opportunity.
What is the Impact Grant funding range?
Grants will be awarded in amounts between $50,000-$200,000.
What is the Impact Grant Funding timeline?
The Impact Grant funding timeline is available for a single calendar year (twelve months), essentially from May 1st-June 30th. Please join our mailing list to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information.
Does this grant support K-12 teacher professional development to bring computer science concepts into primary and secondary classrooms?
No. The Impact Grant effort is aimed at funding initiatives as close to the point of hire as possible. Initiatives should be focused on supporting hire ready candidates in cybersecurity, application management & development, and/or IT operations. In July 2022, the Encantado Foundation will open up Community Based Grants, another funding opportunity, focused on a broad view of stimulating STEM career development. Organizations and programs that increase access to STEM careers, including K-12 initiatives, will be eligible to apply. Please join our mailing list to stay informed regarding the Community Based Grant launch.
Do you support initiatives that provide fellowships for recent tech graduates in digital media?
Based on our funding priorities, we want to support internships, mentorships, and other professional development opportunities. Our focus will specifically be on cybersecurity, application development & management, and/or IT operations career pathways. The granting focus is specifically for STEM career opportunities.
Would programs that support internship opportunities for recent high school graduates be eligible to apply for this Impact Grant funding cycle?
Yes. Programs focused on supporting and mentoring recent high school graduates in STEM based careers, specifically in cybersecurity, application development & management, and IT operations would be eligible to apply.
Do you have thoughts/priorities on rural grantmaking, in particular?
We are focused on developing hire ready candidates from underrepresented communities in STEM careers. The six-county grantmaking area includes rural communities.
If an institution has two different 501(c)3 charitable incorporations, can both entities apply?
Yes, both entities may submit an application. Both completed applications received will be read, reviewed, and evaluated. One question to ponder: Will awarding grants to a central organization that submits separate applications be an efficient use of foundation funds? Additionally, the Impact Grant funding opportunity is a competitive application cycle. Every application submitted and reviewed will be competing against every completed application in the review pool.
Are there any grant application templates for view and review?
We do not have a grant application template or grant application samples available. If you believe your organization and/or initiative supports the funding priorities, please submit an application that highlights your scope of work, which stimulates the growth and development of the digital workforce.
What is the total amount of funding available? How many Impact Grants will be available?
The current funding amount will change from year to year. The number of Impact Grants available will be dependent on the number and amount of grants awarded.
Can an organization submit an Impact Grant application that is located outside of the six-county funding area?
Non-profit organizations from outside the 6 county area (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Socorro, Valencia, Santa Fe, and Los Alamos) may apply as long as their proposed use of funding is designed to serve those 6 counties.
What are the funding cycles for the Community Based Grants?
2023 Community Based Grant Opportunities
- The first cycle of Community Based Grants will open on May 1st and close on June 1st;
- The second cycle of Community Based Grants will open on October 1st and close on November 1st.
For current Community Based Grant awards, you are eligible to apply for the open, competitive Impact Grant funding opportunity if one or more of the following applies:
- The recent Community Based Grant award is closed out (funded effort is completed, all funds have been expensed, and a final report has been submitted to the Foundation); OR
- The Impact Grant funding request compliments and advances a previously funded effort by The Encantado Foundation; OR
- Your Impact Grant application is seeking funds to support a program/effort unrelated to current Community Based Grant funding.