Techqueria New Mexico Chapter
Techqueria is a nonprofit that serves the largest global community of Latinx professionals in tech.
Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) on March 1st 2019, Techqueria’s mission is to empower Latinx professionals with the resources and support that they need to further their careers and become leaders in the tech industry.
Techqueria has 18,000+ members and allies in their network and their
online Slack community has 12,000+ members with nearly a quarter
engaging on a weekly basis. To date the majority of our members have
found themselves at a point in their careers where they are looking for
growth opportunities through our community and a sense of belonging. As
an organization, we make it our goal to serve all tech professionals
throughout their career growth by offering community to all members,
from marketing professionals to engineers. We are particularly
interested in elevating the voices of these professionals to leadership
roles within the tech space.
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